Activation equipment
It is a set of 9 strength training equipment covering the main muscle groups (chest, back, shoulders, abdominal, legs, arms) with the aim of stimulating the peripheral nervous system. Unlike standard machines, this circuit has no weights: a motor regulates the intensity and type of work to be performed. This makes it possible to model the functions and resistances:
- Isotonic (like traditional weight equipment) ;
- Isotonic with lightened eccentric (return phase of the movement with lightened resistance) ;
- Isotonic with accentuated eccentric (return phase of the movement with accentuated resistance);
- Isokinetic (resistance proportional to the force applied so that the rate of movement is constant);
- Elastic (reproduced resistance comparable to elastic-resistance training);
- Viscous (resistance proportional to force as in fluid devices)
The Spotter mode allows you to automatically decrease the resistance when you are unable to finish your set, so that you can finish your repetition in its amplitude. The diversity of the programs offers numerous adaptations by stimulating the nervous system.
This equipment works almost automatically: an appointment is required to set up the machine with a coach, during which the seat height and range of motion are adjusted and a maximum isokinetic strength test (constant speed) is performed. When the health candidate then swipes the terminal, it will direct them to the first machine to be used, which will automatically adjust itself according to the predetermined settings.
Multi-frequency analysis improves the accuracy and reliability of the segmentation analysis. It is also used to identify changes in water status and cell mass. This allows an assessment of whether weight gain is due to an increase in lean body mass or water retention.
Several tests are available to analyse the latency, speed and accuracy of the eye during saccades. EyeBrain trackers are innovative in that they allow comparison of patient results with normative values in the same way as blood tests.
A steerable cabin on a force platform combining various types of movements to measure the ability of the central nervous system to integrate sensory information from the body and to evaluate if the brain has preferences.
An assessment of balance control, posture, flexibility and muscle deficits.
Breathing training with PowerBreathe Plus is recommended for those who wish to be less out of breath or wish to improve their breathing performance during physical activity and in cases of :
- asthma;
- emphysema ;
- bronchitis ;
- heart failure
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